Natural Background Radiation. Background radiation is the radiation that is present in the natural environment. This natural background radiation is attributable to three main sources: cosmic radiation, terrestrial sources, and internal irradiation caused by the radioactive decay of naturally occurring substances.
Background radiation is a measure of the level of ionizing radiation present in the environment at a particular location which is not due to deliberate introduction of radiation sources. Naturally-occurring radioactive materials are an inherent part of our living Natural background radiation exposes us to a dose of slightly under one millisievert, that is. This chapter deals with gamma background radiation that is exposed to two major natural sources: normal sources that are earthly gamma rays and astronomical rays.
Background radiation comes from both natural and artificial sources.
Recent papers in High Background Radiation Areas, Natural Radiation, Ramsar.
Nearly all artificial background radiation comes from medical procedures, such as receiving X-rays for X-ray photographs. Technologically modified natural background radiation is formed from natural sources of ionizing radiation, for example radiation scattered in the environment of natural radionuclides. However, for most people, exposure levels to radiation from natural sources far exceed exposure to radiation produced.
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